Thought Sharing

Monday, April 23, 2012


Table of Contents
1.      Introduction……………………………………………………………….............….…....1
a.       Overview of Proposed System………………………………………….…2
b.      Need of Proposed System…………………………………………………………...3
c.       Scope of Work…………………………………………………………....4
2.      Objective of Proposed System…………………………………………………….............5
3.      Project Categories Tools and Environment……………………………………...............….6
a.       Front End
b.      Back End
c.       Hardware and Software Requirements
4.      Software Development Life Cycle
                       SDLC Model (Water Fall Model, Spiral Model or Prototype Model)
a.       Recognition of Need
b.      Feasibility Study
                                                              i.      Operational Feasibility
                                                            ii.      Economical Feasibility
                                                          iii.      Technical Feasibility
                                                          iv.      Legal Feasibility
c.       System Requirement Specifications (SRS)
d.      System Analysis and Design
                                                              i.      Entity Relationship Diagram
                                                            ii.      Data Flow Diagram and Use Case Diagram
                                                          iii.      Design Strategies
e.      Physical Design (Coding)
f.       System Integration and Testing
                                                              i.      Functional Testing
                                                            ii.      Structural Testing
                                                          iii.      Test Case
g.      Operation and Maintenance
5.      Conclusion and Future Work
6.      Bibliography

List of Programs for OOPs (C++) Practical

List of Programs for OOPs Practical File 

 1.  WAP to find the sum of two numbers using function.
 2.  WAP to find Simple Interest and Compound Interest.
 3.  WAP to demonstrate the working of following Loops: While, Do While, For, If-Else, Switch.
 4.  WAP to find greatest of three numbers.
 5.  WAP to check whether a number is even or odd.
 6.  WAP to check whether a year is leap year or not.
 7.  WAP to add and subtract two matrices.
 8.  WAP to display elements of an array.
 9.  WAP to calculate Sum and Average of an array.
 10. WAP to sort elements of an array using Bubble sort.
 11. WAP to calculate Factorial of a number. 
 12. WAP to check whether a given number is Prime or not.
 13. WAP to generate Fibonacci series.
 14. WAP to show function Overloading.
 15. WAP to create a class and access member function of a class
 16. Write a program to show Constructor and Destructor in a class
 17. Write a program to convert the temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice-a-verse
 18. Write a program to show the concept of Single inheritance in classes.